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What is Concierge Therapy?

Concierge therapy or counseling involves mental health services intentionally offered on a small scale. This type of therapy centers on individualized, client-centered, approaches to mental healthcare. This type of therapy is not, in itself, an evidence-based practice. Therapists still use science-based methods of treatment but how it is administered is how concierge therapy differs from […]

Concluding a Therapeutic Relationship: 5 Useful Termination Techniques

Concluding a therapeutic relationship is a complex process that requires care and attention on behalf of the provider. Every client is different, but every relationship goes through a cycle. That cycle starts with an introduction, explores the therapeutic process, and ultimately comes to an end. There is no time limit on how long any certain […]

Tactful Therapeutic Office Decoration Ideas

Office decoration is vital to the therapeutic process. The environment that you create in your office has a much larger impact on your clients than you might realize. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of tactful office design and ideas for how to create the right therapeutic atmosphere. The Value of Office Design […]

5 Engaging Topics for Process Group Therapy

Different process group therapy topics exist across a wide spectrum. Group therapy, in itself, is a powerful tool to help clients grow, change, and feel connected to a community. For individuals that feel alone in their challenges, group therapy is a great resource for helping them bond with others who share their challenges. Process group […]

How to Use Minimal Encouragers as a Therapist

If you are a mental health provider then you may be familiar with the phrase “minimal encouragers.” An important component of a therapist’s listening skillset, minimal encouragers help providers show their patients they are attentive during a session. What are Minimal Encouragers? Minimal encouragers are small responses that let your client know that you are […]

A Helpful List of Resources to Find Free CEUs for Counselors

Mental health providers are on the search for free CEUs for Counselors. For therapists, psychologists, counselors, and other mental health providers, education does not stop after they get their degree. This field is always changing. Best practices are always being redefined. In order to stay up to date and offer their clients and patients the […]

Techniques for Getting a Client to Open Up in Therapy

Getting a client to open up in therapy starts with the foundation of trust that is built between them and yourself. As a therapist, you are responsible for creating a safe environment that the client feels comfortable in, leading to deeper conversations and the revelation of important details. So what should you do if you […]

Simple Group Therapy Activities for Adults

Finding activities for kids group therapy can feel a lot easier than group therapy activities for adults. With the rise of adults seeking out mental health services in the united states, it is important to know how to keep them engaged in such settings. Group therapy activities for adults are meant to build trust and […]

How to Distinguish Stress vs Anxiety in Therapy

Understanding the difference between stress vs anxiety can be difficult, especially because they can sometimes go hand-in-hand. Some people say they have anxiety when they are actually just stressed and the other way around, as well. The reality is that stress vs anxiety involves two different definitions, and it is important to distinguish between them. […]

Understanding Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy was developed by Pat Ogden, Ph.D., in the early 1970s. According to the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI), which she herself founded in 1981, Ogden’s interest was first sparked via the “correlation between her client’s disconnection from their bodies, their physical patterns, and their psychological issues.” Since its start, the organization has dedicated itself […]