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How to Distinguish Stress vs Anxiety in Therapy

Understanding the difference between stress vs anxiety can be difficult, especially because they can sometimes go hand-in-hand. Some people say they have anxiety when they are actually just stressed and the other way around, as well. The reality is that

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Understanding Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy was developed by Pat Ogden, Ph.D., in the early 1970s. According to the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI), which she herself founded in 1981, Ogden’s interest was first sparked via the “correlation between her client’s disconnection from their bodies,

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7 Useful Thought-Stopping Techniques for Anxiety

Millions of Americans are dealing with anxiety at this very moment. Some individuals have found success in thought-stopping techniques for anxiety, and many mental health providers use these techniques to help their patients overcome anxiety. So what are thought-stopping techniques

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Elements of a Clear Counseling Treatment Plan

It’s difficult to have confidence that you’ll arrive at your destination without a map or directions. For therapists and their clients, a counseling treatment plan outlines a clear path for you to follow as you move through the hills and

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Comprehensive Guide to Effective Therapy Progress Notes

Therapy requires flexibility. Root causes of problems and challenges aren’t usually immediately apparent. Certain techniques help some clients, while different techniques are more helpful for others. As a therapist, you must always be taking in new information and adapting your

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